Thursday, January 26, 2023

An instructive page in the history of the Kingdomssmaniaa

 An instructive page in the history of the Kingdomssmani

As we know the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent He has a deep love for CaliphateUFOssmaniaca. Ampules;After the First World War, when the Turkish nation itself was laying the bed of the caliphate under the leadershipAtaturkk MustafaKamall Pasha, not only Muslims were running the caliphate movement in the corners of the subcontinent, but Muslim women took off their jewelry to defend the caliphate. Aptness;Donated in donations. 

Aptness;The literature of this period also bears witness to this religious emphasis. Dampness;On the one hand, the hymn-like verse attributed to Maulana Muhammad Alihandshakest Ali's mother was popular and common:”” Speak to the mother of Muhammad Ali, give life to the sonKhalifat””&lbs;On the other hand, children were walking in the street singing”” Mustafa Kamal Was, TeriyakinDuerBalkann””. Applies;At the same time, the prayers for giving life for the Caliphate and the calling of Mustafa Kamal to go away clearly show how high the political and historical consciousness of the Muslims of India was During the Balkan wars, a medical delegation was also sent to Turkey under the leadership of Dr MokhtarrrArmadansarini.&Amp;Amp;HSS;Likewise 1920. Applies;In 21, the Muslim leaders of theKhalifat movement declaredIndiananrAlphardb and appealed to Muslims to migrate to Afghanistan, which wasDARrsalaamm.

Applies;The general expectation was that the Afghan government would wholeheartedly welcome the Muslims who migrated from DarulHeirbHindustann to Afghanistan. Applies;It should be noted that no notable political or religious leader Theresa movement accepted to leave India. However, thousands of poor and lower middle-class Muslims sold their properties and went to Afghanistan. Applies;Due to the unexpected difficulties in Afghanistan, these Muslims were financially, socially and politically devastated.&Amp;Amp;Bass;Thousands of youths drop out of school.&Amp;Amp;Bess;Welcome to government jobs.&Amp;Amp;nbsManyf emigrants never returned to India.

AmppBBSs;From this one can assess the far-reaching vision of the leaders of theKhalifat movement During the Balkan wars, a medical delegation was also sent to Turkey under the leadership of Dr MokhtarrrArmadansarini. AmppBBSs;Likewise 1920. Applies;In 21, the Muslim leaders of theKhalifat movement declared IndiaDARrAlphardb and appealed to Muslims to migrate to Afghanistan, which wasDayrsalaamm. Applies;The general expectation was that the Afghan government would wholeheartedly welcome the Muslims who migrated fromDaryllHeirbHandstandn to Afghanistan. Applies;It should be noted that no notable political or religious leader theorem movement accepted to leave India.

AmppBBSs;However, thousands of poor and lower middle-class Muslims sold their properties and went to Afghanistan. AmppBBSs;Due to the unexpected difficulties in Afghanistan, these Muslims were financially, socially and politically devastated. AmppBBSs;Thousands of youths drop out of school. Applies;Welcome to government jobs. Amp;nbsManyf emigrants never returned to India. AmppBBSs;From this one can assess the far-reaching vision of the leaders of theKhalifat movement.

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